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Dr Georgios Doudalis, A Last Time Together: Understanding Social Behaviors in Times of Peril at Mochlos during the LM IB period.

You are invited to an IIHSA Lecture (online) on Friday January 31st 2025 at 7.00 pm (Greek time)/ 5.00 pm (Irish time) / 12.00 (EST) by Dr Georgios Doudalis (University of North Carolina, Greensboro), ‘A Last Time Together: Understanding Social Behaviors in Times of Peril at Mochlos during the LM IB period.’

The settlement at Mochlos stands out for its distinct chronological phases spanning from the Early Bronze Age to the Hellenistic period. This extensive period of occupation is marked by building, rebuilding, expanding, or shrinking of the settlement, due to natural causes (earthquakes?) or human interference. At the end of the LM IB, Mochlos seems to face such destruction. The question I will respond to is: Do we have evidence of communal behavior before such abandonments? And how these could be explained through the examination of the material culture? In this spectrum, I will examine the so-called “closure” ceramic deposits from the Ramp, the South Terrace of the Ceremonial Building B.2, and the material from the “Theatral Area” and the adjacent rooms. Then, I will tangle with ideas about the maintenance of social distinctions in times of peril and the preservation of communal identity through ancestor worshipping as it is expressed through material and space choice.


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December 19

Eva Andronikidou: The archaeological site in its natural context: natural and cultural diachronic processes

February 20

Dr Giota Barlagianni, ‘Death and Ritual in the Ubaid Period: Social Perspectives on Mortuary Practices in 5th Millennium B.C. Mesopotamia.’