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Dr Francesco Ferrara: “Basileus and Basìleia: royalty and architecture at the origins of Hellenism

You are invited to an IIHSA Hybrid Lecture on Thursday, March 2nd 2023 at 5.30 pm (Irish time) / 7.30 pm (Greek time) by Dr Francesco Ferrara (Scuola Superiore Meridionale in Naples), “Basileus and Basìleia: royalty and architecture at the origins of Hellenism”.

The architectural phenomenon of the Macedonian Royal Palaces, despite the short duration of its development if compared to earlier “palatial systems”, has deeply marked the history of European architecture up to the modern era. The royal peristyle-house, which originated in Macedonia in the late 4th century BCE, is one of the concurrent aspects of a new historical course inaugurated by the Macedonian conquests in the East. In this seminar meeting will be highlighted the major role of the Macedonian basileion, and the Macedonian court society as well, in shaping the Hellenistic antelitteram “new world”, investigating its architectural forms and social functions.

February 23

The Multifacted Aspects Of Ritual Seminar Series: Seminar 4. Anastasia Vergaki, “Towards a Theory of Ritual in Late Bronze Crete: How do we discern and identify ritual actions?”

April 6

The Multifacted Aspects Of Ritual Seminar Series: Seminar 5. Alan Peatfield, “Accounting for time in Minoan religion.”