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Symposium: Decoding Representations of Status in the Bronze Age Aegean Patterns, definitions and interpretations

INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM (November 28-29, 2024)

Decoding Representations of Status in the Bronze Age Aegean:
Patterns, definitions and interpretations

The symposium will be hosted online by Dokuz Eylül University Archaeology and Archeometry Application and Research Center in Türkiye and the Irish Institute of Hellenic Studies at Athens


09.00-09.10 am: Welcoming introduction by the executive board of the workshop.

1. MORNING SESSION: Manifestations of status on pottery

Session moderators: Bariș Gür and Andreas Vlachopoulos

09.10-09.30 am: Chiara De Gregorio, ‘Reassessing Social Distinctions: Ceramic Motifs and Elite Symbolism in Southern Crete’s Tholos Tombs during the Prepalatial to Protopalatial Transition’ (Department of World History, Fudan University, Shanghai).

09.30-09.50 am: Ioanna Kostopoulou, ‘Signs of Status? Imported Pottery and Social Structure at
Pyla-Kokkinokremos’ (University of Gent and University of Tübingen).

09.50-10.10 am: Spanos Stefanos, ‘Koukounaries. The pictorial vase painting and the manifestation of
status’ (Greek archaeological service).

10.10-10.30 am: Lila Balogianni, ‘Approaching aspects of status through pottery analysis: the case of
the Zakros palace’ (PhD candidate, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens).

10.30-11.00 am: Coffee break

11.00-11.20 am: Discussion on the morning session.

2. AFTERNOON SESSION (Part A): The semantics of symbols in Bronze Age society

Session moderators: Chrysanthi Gallou and Konstantinos Paschalidis

11.20 am-11.40 am: Eleni Gerontakou* & Maria Kyritsi**, ‘Religious or/and political? Display of
status through emblematic symbols from the Minoan palace of Zakros’ (*École française d’Athènes and **Greek Ministry of Culture).

11.40-12.00 pm: Laetitia Phialon*, Vassilis Aravantinos** & Evi Tsota***, ‘Some observations onthe depiction of “horns of consecration” on larnakes from Tanagra in Boeotia’ (*Université Fribourg,
ArScAn UMR 7041, ** Emeritus Ephor of Antiquities of Boeotia, *** Ephorate of Antiquities of Boeotia).

12.00-12.10 pm: Short break.

12.10-12.30 pm: Vassiliki Pliatsika, ‘Earth to earth. Clay figurines from the Atreus tholos tomb at
Mycenae’ (Curator of Antiquities-Hellenic National Archaeological Museum).

12.30-12.50 pm: Bernice R. Jones, ‘Decoding the Status of the Ivory Triad from Mycenae: A Re-
evaluation of its Hairstyles, Garments, and Poses’ (Independent researcher).

12.50-13.10 pm: Nicoletta Antognelli Michel, ‘Status of divinity for an interpretation of the ivory head from the cult centre at Mycenae as a goddess statuette’ (Technische Universität Darmstadt).

13.10-13.30 pm: Discussion on the afternoon session (Part A).

13.30-14.30 pm: Lunch break

3. AFTERNOON SESSION (Part B): Display of status in graves

Session moderators: Vasiliki Pliatsika and Anastasia Vergaki

14.30-14.50 pm: Nihal Akıllı, ‘Status symbol objects in the Early Bronze Age graves of Western Anatolia and the Aegean region’ (Research assistant- Aydın Adnan Menderes University, Faculty of

Humanities and Social Sciences, Department of Archaeology).

14.50-15.10 pm: Metaxia Tsipopoulou, “ ‘Διαχωρίζοντας την ήρα από το σταρι’. Τwo attempts at status differentiation in the Early and late Prepalatial phases of the elite necropolis at Petras, Siteia” (Director emerita, Hellenic Ministry of Culture).

15.10-15.20 pm: Short break

15.20-15.40 pm: Grigoris Grigorakakis,* Eleni Papafloratou** & Efrossini Vika***, ‘Beyond warriors: a burial with weapons in LBA Kefalonia’ (*Director, Ephorate of Antiquities Kefalonia and Ithaca, ** Head of Prehistoric Antiquities, Ephorate of Antiquities Kefalonia and Ithaca, *** Senior Research Fellow, Wiener Laboratory, American School of Classical Studies at Athens).

15.40-16.00 pm: Claire Zikidi, ‘Silent Echoes: Status and the Politicisation of Death during the Late Helladic period in Messenia (Greece)’ (Malcolm H. Wiener Laboratory for Archaeological Science, American School of Classical Studies at Athens).

16.00-16.30 pm: Coffee break

16.30-16.50 pm: Kostas Paschalidis, ‘Cups of blessing. Decoding the pattern of men with weapons and drinking vessels in the LBA Aegean’ (Hellenic National Archaeological Museum).

16.50-17.10 pm: David M. Wheeler, ‘Archive and Repertoire in the Mycenaean Funeral’ (Postdoctoral Fellow, Nemea Center for Classical Archaeology).

17.10-17.30 pm: Samantha Mills, ‘Power and status in the Argolid in the Late Helladic III period’ (Macquarie University).

17.30-17.50 pm: Discussion on the afternoon session (Part B).

17.50-18.20 pm: Coffee break

4. EVENING SESSION: Storage strategies and their relation to status

Session moderators: Joanne M.A. Murphy and Hakan Öniz

18.20-18.40 pm: Özgen Çelik & Zafer Derin, ‘Indicators of the Existence of Organizational Management at the Beginning of the 3rd Millennium BCE: The Case of Yassıtepe Höyüğü’ (Ege University)

18.40-19.00 pm: Jacqueline Meier, ‘Status and Surplus from Suids at Petsas House, Mycenae’ (University of North Florida).

19.00-19.10 pm: Closing remarks of first day.


5. MORNING SESSION (Part A): Defining status through architecture

Session moderators: Anastasia Vergaki and Bariș Gür

09.00-09.20 am: Lefteris Platon* & Alexandra Salichou**, ‘Status in structure: a view from the palatial and domestic architecture of Minoan Zakros’ (*Professor of Prehistoric Archaeology- University of Athens, ** Ministry of Culture Ephorate of Antiquities of the City of Athens).

09.20-09.40 am: Nasser Bovoleti Ayash, ‘Insights of the Archaeological Implementation of the so- called Sanctuary of Koumasa’ (PhD candidate-University of Heidelberg).

09.40-10.00 am: Aggeliki Pefani, ‘Wall-paintings in their architectural environment: unraveling socio- political strategies through sensorial impact at the palace of pylos (Post-graduate student-National and Kapodistrian University of Athens

10.00-10.20: Discussion on the morning session (Part A).

10.20-10.50 am: Coffee break

6. MORNING SESSION (Part B): Possession of metals and status

Session moderators: Naoise Mac Sweeney and Remzi Yağcı

10.50-11.10 am: Hakan Oniz, ‘Kumluca Bronze Age Shipwreck excavation – Antalya/Türkiye’ (Assoc.Prof. Akdeniz Unversity).

11.10-11.30 am: Sofia Dimaki,* Maria-Chrysoula Staikou** & Eleni Filippaki***, ‘Metal objects from Late Helladic burials in Kalapodi, Phtiotis, Central Greece: symbols of status and wealth’ (*Ephorate of Antiquities of Grevena, Western Macedonia, Greece, ** University of Thessaly, Department of History, Archaeology and Social Anthropology, *** Laboratory of Archaeometry, Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, National Center for Scientific Research, N.C.S.R. “Demokritos”).

11.30-11.50 am: Stephanie Aulsebrook, ‘Metals = Status: The Fundamental Law of the Mycenaean World?’ (University of Warsaw).

11.50-12.10 am: Discussion on the morning session (Part B).

12.10-12.30 pm: Break

7. AFTERNOON SESSION (Part A): Rituals, Crafts, Technology and status connections

Session moderators: Joanne M.A. Murphy and Konstantinos Paschalidis

12.30-12.50 pm: Anastasia M. Vergaki, ‘Feasts as Rituals of Status: The case of Trypiti and Koumasa on the Southern Cretan Mountains’ (Assistant Director of the Irish Institute of Hellenic Studies at Athens).

12.50-13.10 pm: Tatiana Stamatia Andreovits, ‘Shaping gender and status performances in Minoan seal imagery’ (PhD Candidate-University of Heidelberg).

13.10-13.30 pm: I. G. Worrall, Interpreting Colour: The use of White in Late Bronze Age Aegean Wall Art (University of Nottingham).

13.30-14.30 pm: Lunch break

14.30-14.50 pm: Katerina Voutsa, ‘More than a bead: adding symbolic character to a small, semi- precious stone’ (Curator of Antiquities-National Archaeological Museum. Department for Prehistoric, Egyptian , Cypriot and Near Eastern Antiquities).

14.50-15.10 pm: Kalliopi Nikita, ‘The power of technology, aesthetics and possession: the combination of glass with gold for the Early Mycenaean elites’ (Ephorate of Antiquities of East Attica).

15.10-15.30 pm: Christos Kekes, ‘Nonverbal expression of status in the Bronze Age Aegean’ (Postdoctoral researcher, University of Crete).

15.30-15.50 pm: Discussion on the afternoon session (Part A)

15.50-16.20 pm: Coffee break

8. AFTERNOON SESSION (Part B): Theoretical approaches on Status. Evidence from scripts and more.

Session moderators: Recep Meriç and Engin Akdeniz

16.20-16.40 pm: Ulrich Thaler, ‘Competitive conformity. Prestige, self-limiting ambition and the fragility of power’ (Independent researcher).

16.40-17.00 pm: Vassilis Petrakis, ‘Exploring nuances of status in the Third Palace Period Aegean: palatial agents in context’ (Assistant Professor of Archaeology, University of Athens).

17.00-17.20 pm: Dimitris Papadimitriou, ‘Absent Elites’ (PhD candidate-University of Thessaly).

17.20-17.50 pm: Coffee Break.

17.50-18.10 pm: Hamdi Kan, ‘Kings and Great Kings of the Mediterranean’ (Akdeniz University Serik G.S.S. M.Y.O., Department of Architecture and Urban Planning, Architectural Restoration Programme).

18.10-18.30 pm: Jorrit Kelder, ‘Empire Lost. On the status of the Ahhiyawan “LUGAL.GAL” and the state of academic debate’ (Centre for the Study of Manuscript Cultures, Universität Hamburg, Wolfson College, University of Oxford).

18.30-18.40 pm: Short break

18.40-19.00 pm: Mehmet Akif Erdem & Zafer Derin, The presence of the elites in Western Anatolia in the 2nd Millenium BC finds from İzmir Yassıtepe (Ege University).

19.00-19.20 pm: Eser Kortanoğlu, ‘Narrative Production Processes in the Construction of Ancient Greek Cultural Chronology’ (Professor of Archaeology- Anadolu University, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Archaeology).

19.20-19.40 pm: Discussion on afternoon session (Part B).

19.40-20.00 pm: Closing Remarks on the Workshop

Zoom links for each of the sessions will be announced nearer to the time of the workshop.

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