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Vana Orphanou, A techno-biographical approach to hoarding in Late Bronze Age Europe

You are invited to an IIHSA Hybrid Lecture on Thursday, May 4th 2023 at 5.30 pm (Irish time) / 7.30 pm (Greek time) by Dr Vana Orphanou, ‘A techno-biographical approach to hoarding in Late Bronze Age Europe.’

Hoarding of metal objects is a trademark cultural phenomenon of Bronze Age Europe. The removal from circulation of this valuable commodity has raised time and again important questions and hypotheses about the management of resources, the management of wealth, and the management of social interactions in prehistory. These hoards can take various forms over time and space, even within prehistoric Europe, and they have been understood as anything from ritual / symbolic to functional / economic. In this lecture, a technological and biographical approach (techno-biographical) to Late Bronze Age metal objects from hoards in the Carpathian Basin attempts to address old and new questions about how and why clusters of metal objects found their forever-home underground. Emphasis is put on the object biographies and technological attributes of metal types that form a common denominator for the hoards under investigation. Hypotheses about the making of the objects and the making of the hoards will be discussed in the context of a community of practice in late 2nd mil. BC Carpathian Basin. This work forms part of the ERC project The Fall of 1200 BC awarded to Assoc. Prof. Barry Molloy, and it was conducted at the facilities of the School of Archaeology and the Laboratory for Artefact Biographies (LAB) at University College Dublin.

The lecture is co-hosted by the School of Archaeology, University College Dublin.

The event will be held in person at the IIHSA. To reserve a seat please send an email to

In order to attend the event online please register via Eventbrite below

April 27

Chiara De Gregorio: “The Ayia Triada Necropolis in EMIII-MMI and the Connections with the Neighboring Area".

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