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Dr. Fotis Ifantidis, Biogrpahies of personal adornment in Neolithic Greece

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Dr. Fotis Ifantidis (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki), «Biographies of personal adornment in Neolithic Greece»

Beads, pendants, and annulets comprise just a small -and quite fragmented- part of a vast “toolkit” of corporal decoration uncovered from excavations in Neolithic Greece. While the configuration of a “panoramic” view of facets of use and production of personal ornaments in Neolithic Greece is confronted with multi-leveled problems, a closer look at the conditions of use, reuse, or deposition may highlight multiple narratives on the biographies of these - closely linked to the body -artifacts.

February 23

IIHSA Day School: Animals and Us, Human-Animal Relationships in the Ancient World

December 3

Dr Celine Murphy, "Low-skilled artisans or high-skilled artists? On the perplexing question of who made peak sanctuary figurines"