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IIHSA Day School: Animals and Us, Human-Animal Relationships in the Ancient World


Animals and Us: Human-Animal relationships in the ancient world Saturday February 23, 2019


  • Gordon Campbell (Maynooth University)

    Ideas of Human-Animal Communication in the Early Greek Philosophers Pythagoras and Empedocles

  • Ashley Clements (Trinity College Dublin)

    Horsing around in the Americas and the elephant in the satirist’s room: Montaigne’s Of Cannibals and the myth of the New World centaur

  • Jessica Doyle (University College Dublin)

    The hunted animal in Early Iron Age Greek art

  • Hazel Dodge (Trinity College Dublin)

    A rhino, a hippo and an ostrich go to Rome ... exotic animals in Roman Spectacle

  • Kathryn Murphy (Trinity College Dublin)

    Parading Pachyderms: A Roman's guide to building an elephant army

  • Christine Morris (Trinity College Dublin)
    From classical beasts to Heaney’s ‘lost ark’: the power of animals on coinage

  • Simone Zimmerman (Trinity College Dublin)

    Little midwives: Votive weasels as likely indicators of a female healing tradition in prehistoric Crete.

Pre-booking essential

Contact: Christine Morris - Or Natalie Lough -

Event Poster

April 4

Dr. Fotis Ifantidis, Biogrpahies of personal adornment in Neolithic Greece